activities to encourage speech and language development

11 Activities to Encourage Speech And Language Development

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June 28, 2023
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Focus on your child’s speech and language development today with our top interactive learning activities to encourage speech and language development. Enabling a foundation for effortless communication, expression, and behavioral skills. Let's explore the opportunities to incorporate speech and language activities seamlessly into your daily routine, as we embrace the power of ordinary moments to make an extraordinary impact on your child's communication abilities.

What activities would you provide for speech and language development?

Whether you’re a carer/parent or a dedicated speech and language professional - encouraging your child's speech and language development doesn't always require elaborate planning or specialized materials. In fact, you can effortlessly foster your child’s communication skills within the natural flow of everyday settings, utilizing common objects and routines. For example, at mealtimes or bedtime.

What activity encourages language development?

Engaging children in interactive activities fosters language development. Activities such as reading aloud, storytelling and conversation stimulate language acquisition in children. These activities provide rich language input, enhance vocabulary, and develop communication skills.

Additionally, playing educational games, singing songs, and participating in role-play also encourage language development by promoting linguistic creativity, social interaction, and cognitive growth. By incorporating these activities into a child's daily routine, parents and caregivers can create a language-rich environment that nurtures their linguistic abilities.

Here are some language activity examples:

  • Reading: reading children’s books aloud at bedtime exposes your child to different words, language, and storytelling. It can support their listening and expressive language skills. Read more about expressive language in our blog.
  • Storytelling: encouraging your child to tell stories about their day or imagination can help them practice their tenses. Like past, present, and future. By encouraging storytelling, you allow your child the opportunity to use descriptive language and develop narrative skills.
  • Rhyming: singing nursery rhymes is a fun way to enhance your child’s language development. It can support your child with pronunciation and vocabulary. YouTube has many videos available to enjoy with your child.
  • Conversation: ask questions and engage in conversation about your child’s day, interests, and the environment they’re in. Encouraging them to express themselves and elaborate on their thoughts.

Read our blog about how to create a healthy communication environment to positively impact speech and language activities for early years.

What are five things you can do to encourage speech and language development?

Encouraging speech and language development in children is crucial for their overall communication skills. We will explore effective strategies that parents and caregivers can use to foster speech and language development.

Here are our 5 recommended activities for speech and language. These activities can be used throughout your everyday routine with your child. When getting ready for nursery, during mealtimes, or before getting into bed.

Let’s try these speech and language activities for the early years together.

Blow Bubbles

Bubble blowing is a fun way to teach your baby early sound production, focusing on sounds such as “P, B, M, H, Y, N, W, and D”. Blowing Bubbles also aids in oral motor development, strengthening every part of the mouth that is crucial for speech. Read more here on ways to involve your toddler in this fun activity.


Music is an easy and enjoyable way to teach, repeat and imitate words. Music allows not only for language learning but other vital skills can be obtained such as attention and listening skills. Explore fun children’s rhymes which include rich visuals and opportunities for imitation such as:

Enhanced Storytelling

Reading for and with your child is an essential part of development – but try to enhance the experience! Include funny expressions, and animal and vehicle noises, and emphasize descriptive words. Turn story-time into fun and interactive sessions which will lead to great learning outcomes.

Name that...

Make sure to always communicate and name shapes, colors, parts of the face, etc. to your child. Repetition and interactive games are a great way to teach your child to identify and learn. For example, physically point out toys that help to identify shapes and colors and repetitively communicate the name of these objects and colors.

Hi, Bye, Hello!

Teaching your child common greetings from infancy is a great way to develop social skills. Urge your child to greet family members and friends through the usage of easy words such as “Hello” and “Bye-bye”.

By implementing these techniques, parents can actively support their child's language acquisition journey and lay a solid foundation for their future communication abilities.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to our Speech and Language Therapists for support here.

activities for speech and language
Reading with your child to encourage speech and language development

What activities help children's speech?

Here are 2 activities you can try at home to promote your child’s speech. To reinforce what your child says and hears. As well as introducing social communication during their early years.

Repeat what they say

Imitating back sounds and words that your child makes is not only a great way to engage “mirror neurons”, but also a great way to introduce early conversational skills. Repeat sounds and imitate emotions – such as when a baby laughs, laugh with them. Repeat after your toddler attempts to communicate a word by correcting their pronunciation for example if your toddler says “buh” repeat after them and say “Bye, we say bye-bye”.

Setup Playdates

Make sure that your child is regularly exposed to same-age peers socially from an early age. Playdates offer a chance for your child to learn communication skills such as sharing, talking, and listening. It improves cognitive and problem-solving skills.

Developing your child’s speech and language starts at home with you. Stay connected and interactive with your child at any early age through our activity recommendations.

How can we support you

Book a 30-minute online session with our qualified speech therapists to find out which activities are the most suitable for your child’s needs. Create your profile and choose a convenient time today!

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